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Snoring: What Can You Do?

how to stop snoring

Feeling tired because of snoring? How do you stop it?

With the Accu-Adjust System, VitalSleep is the only moldable, adjustable anti-snoring mouthpiece that has helped over 400,000 snorers wake up refreshed.

If you or someone you know snores at least occasionally, you may be among the 45% of normal adults who snore. At family gatherings, he (or she) may be the brunt of jokes (“Uncle Joe snores so loud he rattles the windows!”), but snoring is serious.

According to Slaughter, 75% of people who snore also suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (when breathing is interrupted during sleep for short periods), which increases the risk of heart disease.

The VitalSleep snoring mouthpiece allows you to sleep better. Using a doctor-recommended, FDA-cleared snoring solution, you can stop snoring and improve your breathing.

✔ Sleep peacefully and wake up feeling rested.
✔ Uncomfortable devices should be eliminated.
✔ If you prefer to breathe through your mouth, you may do so.
✔ 100% money-back guarantee and 1-year warranty included.

Snoring and your relationship

Snoring can put a strain on your relationship regardless of how much you love one another. It’s easy to feel resentful when you’re the one lying awake at night because your partner snores. If you’re the snorer, you may feel helpless, guilty, or even irritated with your partner for harping on about something you can’t change.

There are several ways in which snoring can cause tension in a relationship:

  • Sleeping in separate rooms. While this may be an ideal solution for some couples, it can also have a detrimental impact on their emotional and physical intimacy. If you’re the one snoring, you might feel lonely, isolated, and unfairly punished.
  • Irritability due to sleep loss. Snorers aren’t the only ones who suffer from disturbed sleep. When a person snores, their sleep quality suffers as well. This is caused by a disorder in their breathing, which results in them snoring.
  • Partner resentment. Non-snorers can get resentful when they believe they have done everything they can to sleep through the night (ear plugs, sound machines, etc.) but snorers do not do anything to stop snoring. It is possible to prevent future fights by working together to find a snoring cure.

Keeping your relationship strong requires finding a snoring cure so both of you can sleep peacefully. You may even become more deeply connected as a result of stopping snoring together.

What causes snoring?

The snoring of about everyone is not a cause for concern, and most people snore occasionally. During sleep, snoring occurs when air cannot pass freely through your nose and throat. This causes the surrounding tissues to vibrate, resulting in the familiar snoring sound. Snorers often have too much throat and nasal tissue or “floppy” tissue that vibrates more readily. You can also have difficulty breathing smoothly if your tongue is positioned incorrectly.

Learn more about the main cause of snoring

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What started as an idea to improve my physical appearance and overall health, this quest has turned into a mission to share my research with as many people as possible. Despite all the information available about healthy body and mind, I found it is very confusing. If I wanted to maintain a healthy life, it is important to be informed. Knowledge is power!

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