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How to Build Muscle the Right Way

Build Muscle The Right Way

How intense are your workouts to build muscle? There is a difference between going through the motions of a workout and challenging your body. Don’t underestimate yourself any longer when it comes to upper body exercises with 10-pound dumbbells. Challenge yourself and opt for heavier weights. Be sure to challenge yourself gradually; do not jump from 10 to 50 in one week.

Do you train consistently?

While two days of strength training is good and one day is acceptable, I highly recommend that women aim to train three to five days per week for optimal results. Consistency is key when it comes to improving your strength, especially if you’re not seeing progress.

Are you choosing the right movements?

When you’re not seeing much muscle growth, turn your attention to the moves you select in your strength training routine. According to Davis, you shouldn’t prioritize exercises that work specific muscles, such as bicep curls and leg extensions, if you have the time.

Sample of Muscle-building Exercises

1. Squat

You can shape and build muscle in your quads and glutes with this exercise, whether you use dumbbells, barbells, or a squat rack. You should gradually add weight while maintaining good form as you train. In your mirror, you should pretend that you are seated in a chair, heels on the ground, hips back, as if you were sitting at the bottom of your squat.

2. Shoulder Press

A shoulder press can involve a variety of variations, such as a dumbbell press, an Arnold press, or a behind-the-neck press. Exercises like these are great for strengthening shoulders, traps, and upper bodies. When you are pushing yourself, don’t be afraid to add some weight.

3. Deadlift

Deadlifts engage the hamstrings, glutes, and back muscles, regardless of whether you use dumbbells or barbells. Keep your back flat and your knees slightly bent during this exercise. Drop the weight if your back starts to round.

4. Chest Press

Chest presses can be performed in multiple ways, including on an incline, decline, flat bench, or the floor, which will target the chest from multiple angles. If you are really pushing your limits, you should have a spotter with you. Dumbbells or a barbell are both suitable options for your strength training exercises.

5. Biceps curls

Even though they are small muscles, the biceps can lift a considerable amount of weight. Use hammer curls, dumbbell seated curls, barbell curls, or rope curls as part of your curling program. If you feel your back arching, lower the weight and don’t rock for momentum.

6. Triceps Kickback

Sculpt those triceps to show off that “horse shoe”. Pulleys and attachments such as straight bars, ropes, or v-bars can be used for this exercise. As you press down, your arms should be perpendicular to the ground. Start with your arms at 90 degrees. Stop at 90 degrees on the way up. If you want to isolate the triceps and shape those arms, keep momentum out of the equation.

Outside of the gym, do you care for your body?

Your strength training may not be the issue if you’re doing all of the above correctly, but still not building muscle. “Then we need to look at your stress,” Davis says. “Nutrition and sleep are included in that. These components cannot be overlooked, since they can trump all your training.”

“Skipping sleep will only hinder your progress.”

Your body needs sleep to recover and perform well. Aim for six to eight hours of sleep every night, keep your room dark and cool, and put away screens an hour before bedtime. Therefore, don’t skip sleep in order to squeeze in a morning workout: “Skipping sleep will only hinder your progress.”

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