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Law of Attraction: Money & Finances

law of attraction finances

Understanding how the law of attraction operates in relation to finances and money is not a common occurrence. A person’s mindset and attitude towards money are the primary obstacles to gaining wealth in life. Money is an essential aspect of our daily lives and has the power to influence our lives positively or negatively.

The application of the law of attraction techniques to finances and money is a subject that many people want to learn about, but it is important to remember that it takes time, perseverance, patience, and effort to make these techniques effective

Get more money and abundance

If you are persistent, passionate, and obsessed with your goals, the universe will bring you the results you desire in your financial life. As individuals, we must make this effort from within. In order to be wealthy, you must have a positive mindset. By shifting your mindset to one of success, money will easily flow to you.

It is the ability to think differently that makes people successful. Learning how to develop a successful thinking pattern will be the focus of this lesson.

Think And Grow Rich Audible Book

THINK GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill

The audiobook explains that the 13 Steps to Riches provides a concise and trustworthy guide to achieving individual success. It draws on the experiences of many highly successful American men.

Adjust Your “Financial Midset”

First and foremost, you need to have the right mindset in order to attract money and achieve financial abundance. Many people have won the lottery and ended up losing it all because they don’t have the right mindset to use this windfall correctly. The money goes fast because they have a limiting belief.

Research shows that 75% of lottery winners return to their original financial situation after winning a large amount.

The truth is that you will have the amount of money you are comfortable with. Therefore, no matter how hard you try, you will never overcome your current financial situation if you lack a financial abundance mindset.

You might find it helpful to do the following exercise:

Consider how much you want to have or attract each month or every year. As long as you truly believe it, any amount is valid. Think about a number and you immediately think “I can’t do that”, “it’s not possible”, or “You don’t deserve that”. Then this will be true for you. Whenever you have any of those thoughts, challenge them and say “Of course I can do it! ”. It’s more than just thinking about it; it’s also saying it.

Positive thoughts must replace every negative thought…

7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness: Power Ideas from America's Foremost Business Philosopher

7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness

The book emphasizes that both wealth and happiness can be achieved together as they both come from the same source of abundance. The book then goes on to outline the seven crucial strategies for success that readers can utilize to achieve their goals.

Develop a Healthy Relationship With Money

Maintaining a healthy relationship with money is not easy, but it is not impossible either. The bottom line is that if you spend more than you earn, you will have a negative relationship with money. Rather than being a tool for creating more, this will frustrate you and make you afraid of it.

Consequently, having a scarcity mindset leads to impoverishment in life. If you don’t counteract those thoughts, then the law of attraction will take over and bring you scarcity instead of abundance.

Our relationship with money needs to change.

For that to happen, we must understand how you feel about money and how you behave when it comes to money.

To begin with, you must forgive yourself. It is inevitable that we have all made bad decisions in the past that have led us to be in a bad situation. For you to achieve true progress, you must truly forgive yourself. Let go of all the mistakes and embrace your actual financial situation instead. What is your current location?

It’s time to stop being afraid of money and regularly check your credit card balance, checking account balance, and savings account balance. Having a clear idea of where you are and where you want to be will allow you to set goals.

The Success Principles - 10th Anniversary Edition: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

The Success Principles(TM)

The highly successful writer of the popular book Chicken Soup for the Soul shares valuable advice on how to increase your self-assurance, conquer common obstacles, live a life of fulfillment and direction, and attain your objectives through the utilization of the Success Principles, which were jointly developed with the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Your affirmations

Affirmations can change your money mindset to a positive one, believe it or not. The following are some examples of affirmations:

  • I love money and it loves me back
  • All my needs are met by money
  • I always have access to all the money I need
  • Happiness and positivity come from money
  • Life is abundant for me

Creating Rich Habits

Habits are part of our everyday lives, as we all know. It is possible for some habits to be positive and others to be negative. Your positive habits can make you rich, and your negative habits can keep you poor. You might be stuck in the middle. Success in life depends on having positive habits.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of the habits you have now. As soon as you are aware of them, you can focus on the positive ones and eliminate the negative ones. It is the basis of your financial abundance, so let’s make a list of both positive and negative factors.

The following is an example:

Bad daily habits

I check my cell all the time and before bed.
I’m eating too much bad foods (junk foods).
I feel tired because I go to bed late at night.
I’ve got no plans and do things last minute.
I don’t exercise regularly.

Good daily habits

Healthy eating and avoiding junk food are my goals.
To feel rested, I’ll go to bed earlier.
I will only check my phone a few times a day.
The plan is to make sure things are finished before deadlines.
Every day, I’ll exercise for 30 minutes.


Planning ahead is the key to changing your mindset. You must understand that this is a process that takes time. Focus on improving your mindset, your money relationship, and your habits, as well as setting future goals. Despite your financial situation, the universe will reward you and offer you opportunities to improve it.

Law of Attraction: Money & Finances Infographics

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What started as an idea to improve my physical appearance and overall health, this quest has turned into a mission to share my research with as many people as possible. Despite all the information available about healthy body and mind, I found it is very confusing. If I wanted to maintain a healthy life, it is important to be informed. Knowledge is power!

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