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Relaxation and Manifestation

For relaxation and manifestation, it is crucial to grasp the principles of the law of attraction. To attain success in this endeavor, it is necessary to maintain a calm and focused mindset.
Put your mind into the role of a pool or a lake for a moment. It’s like rain or wind disturbing the calm surface when you have all kinds of thoughts. If there is no rain or wind, the water is completely still and there are no ripples. When the water is in this state, you can see through the clean water and see the bottom of the pool or the fish swimming in the lake.
The water becomes murky when it rains or winds, so not only can you not see through it, but also your own reflection may be difficult to see. Having a lot of thoughts or being agitated is like having a wavy lake in your mind. When your mind is agitated or has too many thoughts at once, you will not be able to attract new thoughts. In order to make the law of attraction work, you must find a way to bring your mind into stillness.
The purpose of this article is to share an exercise to assist you in calming your mind and getting into the right state of mind to take advantage of the law of attraction.
>> Check out this Kindle Edition of The Power Is Within You!
Louise L. Hay delves deeper into her ideas about self-love in her book, The Power Is Within You. She emphasizes the importance of paying attention to and having faith in one’s inner voice, nurturing the inner child, expressing genuine emotions, effective parenting, overcoming apprehensions about aging, welcoming abundance, exploring creativity, embracing change as a natural facet of life, promoting a sustainable environment, cultivating love and harmony among people, and numerous other concepts.
Relaxation and Meditation
The next step is to prepare your mind for meditation by relaxing and preparing your body.
To begin with, find a comfortable place to sit without interruptions where you can be in a relaxed position. If you want to lie down, just make sure you won’t fall asleep.
If you have at least 25-25 minutes, you will have enough time to complete this exercise. Rushing and doing it in a hurry will not work. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Next, concentrate on your breath. Take a deep breath and hold it for at least 5-7 seconds before slowly exhaling. Feel your abdomen fill with air as you take a deep breath. When you repeat this breathing exercise, you will feel your body expand. If you repeat this exercise a few times, your body expands and contracts each time you breathe.
The next step is to pay attention to every part of your body.
You should relax your feet first, then your legs, then your abdomen, and then your neck and head. The body enters a state of relaxation, making you feel very relaxed.
Close your eyes and repeat the breathing exercise a few more times. Little by little, cover your whole body, from your toes to your head, until the whole body is covered.
It is important to start from the bottom, feel your toes, feet and legs.
Imagine that each breath you take helps to relax every part of your lower body. How do you feel? Cold or warm? Feel your socks if you’re wearing them and your feet if they are on the floor so you can feel them mentally. Moving onto your ankles and calves after you have completed your lower body exercise is the next step.
Send your thoughts to your knees and legs now.
How do you feel right now? Whenever you feel distress or tingling, send your thoughts there and breathe. By doing this, you will be able to relax your muscles, which will make your body feel more rested.
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Next, you need to focus on your knees and hips.
It is important to feel them with your mind, to keep breathing and to exhale. The next time you feel that certain parts of your body are feeling hard, try relaxing them by using your mind in a relaxed manner. It’s okay if you don’t feel anything. Relax and don’t push anything.
Spend 7 to 8 seconds on each part of the body.
Feel your thighs now.
Continue to breathe as your muscles and clothing touch the areas you are concentrating on. You can also relax any tightness in the area by focusing on your breathing and relaxing the area with your mind.
Feel your buttocks next.
Stress typically leads to a contraction of this area. Let your body let go of stress by sending your thoughts and keeping your breathing. When you send your thoughts to every part of your body while breathing, this area is commanded to relax.
Now let’s look at your belly.
Despite being a very intelligent organ, it is extremely sensitive to emotions in its own way. Have you ever felt a small pain in your gut when you were scared? The explanation for this is as follows.
Having addressed your belly, we now need to address your lower back. Breathe again for 7-8 seconds, send your thoughts, relax, and move on.
Feel your chest now.
Keep your mind focused on your chest movements as you breathe. You can feel it contracting and expanding as you breathe. Think about relaxing the muscles in your chest as you send more thoughts there.
Now move to your upper back.
Pay attention to your spine, shoulder blades, and muscles. Take a deep breath and relax your upper back. You should stay with the feeling for 7 to 8 seconds.
>> Check this out! The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear into Faith
This deck of 52 cards serves as a source of spiritual guidance to provide you with the strength to overcome difficult times, the assurance of synchronicity and support when you feel lost, a sense of security when you are uncertain, and a feeling of joy in all situations. It is now within your reach, allowing the cards to direct you, practicing patience and serenity, and having faith that the Universe will safeguard you.
Next, focus on your hands.
As you look at your hands with your mind, start with your fingers, then move onto your palms, wrists, elbows, and forearms. Move up to the upper arm after spending 7-8 seconds in each area per hand.
Your triceps, biceps, and armpits should feel good. By sending more thoughts to those areas, you can relax those areas.
Take a moment to feel your shoulders as you move up. You should send thoughts here and order your body to relax for at least 7-8 seconds.
Keep breathing as you move to your throat.
Next, move to your face. There are 42 muscles on your face that work together to create facial expressions. Keep your attention on your face, chin, lips, jaw, and mouth for a few seconds while you breathe.
Feel the breathing in and out of your nose as the air comes in and out. Once you have reached your ears, move to them. Observe your hearing and send thoughts there as well to relax them.
Observe your eyes now.
Observe how your eyelids rest on your eyeballs and how your eyeballs rest in your eye sockets.
Now let’s move to your head. Get in touch with your muscles, bones, and scalp. As you move your mind, look inside your brain.
Your head is now relaxed once you’ve finished it!
Your whole body should feel good.
Taking a few deep breaths and opening your eyes after 25-30 seconds will help you relax.
Starting with your hands and legs, stretch your body.
The feeling of refreshment and vigor has now returned to you.
After twenty seconds, take a few deep breaths, then open your eyes and stretch your hands and legs to help relieve any tension or stiffness. Refreshed and energized, you feel good.
Wrap up
Now that you have relaxed, it is time for you to apply the law of attraction to your life.